stock alerts Using MOMO for Passive Stock Market Awareness When in “full-on” trading mode I have MOMO set up next to my main screen using my iPad and a stand. It works great. Undoubtedly the data stream can be overwhelming if trying to consume every last symbol, but I use it to highlight not only the breakouts (FCEL, ULTA,
stock alert Under-documented MOMO feature: Realtime 52-week highs/lows Some may contend that a new 52 week high or low is just another number, however, because of investor's emotional connection and their nature, 52 week highs and lows are a widely measured and watched statistic by both technical analysts and investors. Whether the significance is based on
stock alert Under-documented MOMO feature: Realtime 52-week highs/lows Some may contend that a new 52 week high or low is just another number, however, because of investor's emotional connection and their nature, 52 week highs and lows are a widely measured and watched statistic by both technical analysts and investors. Whether the significance is based on
momentum investing Fama on Momentum Topic: Momentum Investing The long-term success of the momentum factor seems to be a challenge to many observers. People say things like “momentum only works among small stocks” or “momentum only works for going short, not long.” These comments, which appear to be aimed at casting doubt on the implementability
Using MOMO The 30-second guide to using MOMO. We’ve had a couple visitors recently ask how MOMO works. And while we tried to make it intuitive, we are taking a moment to give you the 30-second MOMO training guide. Right here, right now. There are two columns in MOMO. A red and a green. The green one
Using MOMO Pro Trader Review: MOMO in Action Evan Medeiros is founder and CEO of The Trade Risk [], where he teaches traders how to make money in the market. Evan has been trading since 2010 and educating on his website since 2012. He also publishes a free weekly market newsletter []. Over
Use MOMO as your "Second Screen" with your iPAD Recently, I had a couple inquiries asking what I used in my top blog picture to "prop up" my iPad. I guess some of you don't use a stand. I didn't have a particular use for a stand either until MOMO. I know many
stock symbols New MOMO Stock Symbols: Including Several Must Haves! Sixteen new stock symbols have been added to our index. Several are worth taking adding to your alerts as they are great for tracking general market bias (particularly GLD and UST). We currently track over 6500 symbols, but if you come across any which are not available please email us
Stocktoberfest Mometic News: Stocktoberfest, Android & More MOMO @ Stocktoberfest’15 Last week we had the opportunity to show off MOMO at the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego for Stocktoberfest’15. The attendees and presenters included of some of the best in the business; including top traders, fintech startups, investors, and entrepreneurs. It was hosted by Howard
Stocktoberfest Mometic News: Stocktoberfest, Android & More MOMO @ Stocktoberfest’15 Last week we had the opportunity to show off MOMO at the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego for Stocktoberfest’15. The attendees and presenters included of some of the best in the business; including top traders, fintech startups, investors, and entrepreneurs. It was hosted by Howard
Momentum How do the Mysterious MOMO Meters Work? We get asked from time to time what the meters on the top of MOMO represent. And while we do describe it in the help section of the (yes, there is help and its under settings!) I thought I would also describe what they do here. As you may have
MOMO Rethinks How Stock Alerts Should Work Current stock alert implementations are too unreliable and unpredictable to serve their intended purpose. In their current form, existing stock alert apps are either trying to be all things to all people or were developed as an afterthought. We haven't figured out which, but we are certain there
MOMO Rethinks How Stock Alerts Should Work Current stock alert implementations are too unreliable and unpredictable to serve their intended purpose. In their current form, existing stock alert apps are either trying to be all things to all people or were developed as an afterthought. We haven't figured out which, but we are certain there
Activate iOS Sharing Extensions to Quickly Share with StockTwits StockTwits recently enabled an iOS feature that lets users share content as easily as sending an iMessage or posting to Facebook. This works great with MOMO since you can now post real-time stock prices directly to your StockTwits. There are a few simple steps to add StockTwits to the sharing
MOMO Press Release: Best Stock App to Discover New Trade and Investment Opportunities. “We have built an app which enables active stock investors and traders find new opportunities in real-time.” Dallas, TX: Mometic, LLC, July 22nd, 2015 MOMO Stock Discovery is now available in the App Store for iOS users. MOMO provides a new way to stay up to date on stock market
We Are App Store Approved! After several unanticipated hiccups with the payments engine and translating Apple's vague rules into requirements, we are finally approved for release! We anticipate we will have MOMO available for US markets by next Wednesday, July 22nd. We appreciate your patience and hope MOMO is worth the wait!
stock price We Think StockTwits is the Best News Partner StockTwits is not without its shortcomings as the noise level can be high and sustained, but in our day to day trading activity we find there are few other resources that quickly help identify and discuss stock activity on nearly every US stock. Upgrades, downgrades, secondary offerings, rumors, and general
Using MOMO How to Pay for a Year of MOMO in 1 Trade For those of you who don't know, MOMO is priced at $10.99/mo. or $75/yr ($74 and change actually), making it not free. Free apps have ads, poor UI, non-existent support, and generally are crap and free for a reason. Having said that, all of us
How-To How to Use MOMO Sector Filters When we first were able to get the MOMO prototype working one of the first things we noticed was how much data was displayed. We knew there would be a lot, and wouldn't have it any other way, but we figured some traders may want a to adjust
stock price We Think StockTwits is the Best News Partner StockTwits is not without its shortcomings as the noise level can be high and sustained, but in our day to day trading activity we find there are few other resources that quickly help identify and discuss stock activity on nearly every US stock. Upgrades, downgrades, secondary offerings, rumors, and general
Using MOMO How to Pay for a Year of MOMO in 1 Trade For those of you who don't know, MOMO is priced at $10.99/mo. or $75/yr ($74 and change actually), making it not free. Free apps have ads, poor UI, non-existent support, and generally are crap and free for a reason. Having said that, all of us
Getting our blog on.. Thanks for stopping by! We now have a blog to share our market thoughts, MOMO how-to's , Videos, and whatever else comes to mind. We plan on keeping it a bit more informal than the usual blogs you may encounter, so that we can keep updates flowing on a