Is MOMO Pro Stock Scanner "Worth It"?
In our search analytics we are seeing this as a question being asked and wanted to shed some light on this, albeit a bit biased, of course because we wrote it. So here goes...
When my family and I go on vacations, we inevitably wind up hiking some mountain or trail in search of the most picturesque setting or to get a bit of exercise. As "flatlanders" in Dallas, these excursions can be a bit taxing where the air is thinner and the terrain is more than a few degrees of incline. Despite being in pretty decent shape for Dallas folk, these hikes are longer and harder than we typically evision.
My youngest son and I have a running joke when we are on vacations and take these excursions. It all started when we were huffing and puffing on a hike and asked hikers returning from the zenith of some hike if the view was "worth it". The returning hikers replied - "Totally worth it" or something similar.
Ever since, whenever we are on a long hike and feeling punchy and tired, we would ask people returning if the trek was worth it - in a inside joke sort of way. Upon our descent, when it was our chance to return the favor we would occassionally say, "Totally worth it" to hikers starting their trek. And suprisingly often we would see people in crazy shoes like Crox or sandals and very unprepared for what lies ahead.

Having said that, much like these hikes, MOMO Pro is going to return what you put into it. While we think there are quite a few niceties which are hard to put into words like the Lake Agnes Teahouse above, it's our job to make sure those returns are the best they can be. Take a look at a few "Points of Interest" below as to whether MOMO Pro is "Worth It":
On Scalping: If you bank on seeing rips and quickly buying size to capture the move, MOMO can consitently highlight those breaks as cleanly often several seconds before anything else. If this yields $.20 improvement on 1000 share trades a couple times a week MOMO is "Worth It" 20 times over the cost. MOMO Pro is extremely fast at showing last trade prices and averages around 20-45ms delay from Nasdaq.
On Swing Trading: MOMO was inspired by riding momentum swings so we think we have this nailed. From the consolidation phase, to uncovering unusual volume to entry MOMO Pro is very well suited. Our alerts help you stay abreast without having to get over exposed and enable you "to let your runner's run".
On Position Management: MOMO Pro provides ability to track your favorite positions and visualize the daily lows/highs as well as monitor their movement throughout the entire platform – from Quotes to automatically tracking in Stream and to our realtime News, then filtering in Discovery. No other tool has this view of stocks which are meaningful to you and automatically configured. You may even view the daily gain/loss as well as the gain/loss since added with our Price Pin.
On Trading on the Go: Frustrating interfaces, with slow startup times or awkward logins eliminate the flexibility of trading on the go. MOMO Pro is designed to work on all your devices and syncronize your data and settings to work wherever you are. We know how important this is and we don't assume you only trade on your desktop as we do not - particularly in pre-market when perhaps still in bed scanning the markets.
On Complexity: Less is sometimes more. While we love features as much as anyone there is a reason the old Ferrari's command a premium over a self-driving car with supposed promise of simplicity. Our approach provides what we feel is thoughtful and balanced functionality without overburdening you or ourselves, as traders, with too many indicators to blur our decision making. (Read this for a study on how analysts decision accuracy decreased with 40 pieces of information vs. 5 pieces and their overconfidence actually increased).

Like the trek to visit this small chalet outside of Banff, the experience was what we made of it. At Mometic we live by our creed and work day in and out to make MOMO Pro "totally worth it" and hard to beat. Our pricing, performance, and capabilitiy are the results of wanting to deliver an incredible and profitable experience.
May 2023 bring success and happeniess to you and your families!
Team @ Mometic