Major Halt Alert Upgrade for MOMO Pro

There are a few things in stock trading more time sensitive than halts.

Playing a fast moving trade that's jumping or dropping a large percentage every minute is exhilarating and frustrating depending on which side of the trade you're on.

Halts have a pesky way of thwarting your upside or saving your losses. And while in the heat of the trade it's often easy to forget that these circuit breakers can be triggered.

Most of the available halt's information is provided as a casual "FYI". MOMO Pro's initial halt implementation was no different and I'm happy to say it has just been massively overhauled and now offering instant halt and resume performance.

MOMO Pro Stock Halt Window

Where in the past you might get a halt notification in 20 seconds or more after the halt, now MOMO Pro is displaying them instantaneously. And while there's a bit of a stall before all trading is fully frozen limiting your ability to get out on this notification, it's still more useful as it's more trustworthy and can save you from getting stuck in a halt.

That's not all ---

Additionally, the reason code for why the halt was triggered needed work and has been updated. For those who like to jump in on halts on resume, that is also instant as we have implemented a two phase approach to ensure the resume is mentioned (We get the data from the API, but we found this isn't 100% reliable, so we also consider price change an indication of resumption). And for those with MOMO Pro+ you can add as a webhooks for integration needs.

All new Stream Halt Bar showing Halt Resumes

Lastly, and most excitingly, we now support limit up and limit down (LUPD) values in the Stream scanner and Discovery screener. How does it work, you ask? Well if the stock is highly active and at risk of triggering an alert we will display the limit up and down values.

Stream Option to showing LULD for BGSM

For those who are a bit more radical in your efforts to sniff out pending halts we've created a new filter and column option within Discovery to sort and filter to provide the best visibility. This could be used as another way to track moves along with our existing momentum and volume indicators.

Add Halt criteria as part of a filtered screen in Discovery or Conditional Alerts

The halt and LULD detail is also a part of the Discovery screener as its own column. Stocks which are currently halted have a lock icon and anything with an active LULD value is shown following.

Halt and LULD detail in new Discovery column

That's it! Keep us posted on how you are using it and if you are new to MOMO Pro and don't have it yet, you can get started here.

Team @ Mometic