We've Got Updates!
We've released a few tweaks and improvements while working on bigger things behind the scenes. Keep reading to see what's new and improved as of Sept 28th!
Float - Prior to this release we were restricted to largely showing shares outstanding since our data feed wasn't complete. Now we have 90%+ listed stocks with accurate Float values. For stocks, ETFs and such that do not provide Float, we have defaulted to show shares outstanding as reference.
Company Search - We've kept the UI symbol focused, but sometimes find ourselves struggling for the symbol and only knowing the company name. Now you can enter company or symbol in News or Discovery search to query the results.

VWAPDist% - In short, it wasn't working the way we wanted. It was not as responsive as needed and appeared inaccurate with fast breakouts. We've tweaked this and are much happier with the accuracy.
Logo & Company Detail Popup - Along the lines of providing better symbol insight we have also added the company name and logo when mousing over or searching any News or Discovery.

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Team @ Mometic