Trend Insight. Top stock alerts set on MOMO over past 365 days.

Every now and then we like to take a peak into the alerts our users set, partly to see if there is anything we are missing, and secondly to share the data with users looking for more trade ideas.

Below is a frequency cloud for the top 500 alerts set on MOMO for the past year. If you are interested in using for your own needs a list of the alerts is available at the bottom of this post to copy.

As you can see there are the FANG stocks as well as some notable speculative plays, such as DRYS and VRX. You will also note there is a good number of volatility symbols being tracked (VXX, XIV, VIX).

The larger fonts represent those with the greatest number of
alerts set over the year with AAPL having the most. For reference, the range is 40:1, meaning AAPL has 40x that of those symbols with the smallest font.


aa aaoi aapl abbv abc abeo abil abt abx acia acrx adbe adhd admp adpt aemd aezs agen agn akao aker akg aksalb alny alqa alxn amat amd amda amgn ampe amrn amrs amzn anet anth antm apa aphbapop apri aqms args arry artx asys athm athn athx atnm atos atrs atvi auph avav aveo avgo avgr avir avxlaxon axp axu ba baa baba bac bbry bby bcei bcrx bidu biib bioa bioc bios bldp blfs blph blue bpmxbrks bstg bsti bud bwg bwld bzun cala cali camt capr cara cat catb cbay cbio cbk cbli cboe cbr cc cccr ccl cdti ceicelg cemp cerc cers ceru cgix chfs chk cidm cie cldx clf clnt clrb clsn clvs cmcsa cmg cnat conn cort cost cprxcrbp cris crmd crtn crus csco ctrv cuda cur cvm cvna cvrs cvx cxrx cy cycc cyrx cytr cytx dac dal dcix dcth ddddffn dia dis dmpi dnr dprx dram drwi drys dvax dxtr ea ears ebay ebio ecyt edit edu efx eght egle egltekso emi endp enph enrj eog eses esnc espr etrm exas exel expe extr eyeg eyes falc fas fb fbio fcel fcx fdx feye ffivfit fl fnbc fncx fnjn fold fslr ftr fuel gale galt gd ge gevo gfi gg gild glbs gld glow gluu glyc gm gnc gnmx goldgoog googl gpl gpro grpn gs gsat gtxi gv gwph hain hal halo hd heb hiiq himx hmny hmy hoghpq htbx htgm htht husa iag ibb ibm ichr icld icpt idra idxg ifon igc imgn immu immy imnp imuc incyinfi innl ino inpx insy intc invt ions ipi irbt irg isrg itek itus izea jagx jazz jblu jcp jd jnj jpm juno kate kem kerx kmi kokool kr ktos ktov lb lbix linu lite lmt lng lode lpth lrcx lulu luv ma mack mara mark mbot mbrx mbvx mcdmchp meli memp mmm mnga mnkd momo mon mosy mrk mrns mrtx mrvl ms msdi msft mstxmt mtbc mtz mu mvis mxl myl myos mysz mzor nadl nak nakd nao navb neos neot nete nflx nihdnke noc nok nrz nspr ntes ntnx nuro nvax nvcn nvcr nvda nwbo nxtd oclr ocn ocrx ocul ogxi ohgi oledomer oncs onvo opgn opk optt opxa opxaw orcl orig ovas panw pbyi pcln pdli pfe pip plce plug plx pphm ppppran prkr psdv ptie ptn ptx pulm pypl qcom qqq quik qure race rad rai rare rcl rcon rdus regn rglsrgse rht rigl rlog rnn rnva roka roku rox rprx rspp rtk rtn rttr rxii saex sb sbux scon sdrl sds sgmo sgypship shop sino siri skln sn snap sncr snmx spex sphs spi sppi spu spwh spwr spx spy sq sqm sqqqsrax srne srpt ssh sskn ssys staf stm stx stz supn swks swn syn tbio tdw tenx ter teum teva tgb tgc tgt tgtx thld tlt tmus tnatndm tnxp tops tqqq trch trip trov trvg trvn trxc tsla tsm tsro ttph ttwo tvix twlo twtr txmd txn ua uaa ualubnt uco uctt uec ulta un unh urre uvxy vale vcel veev veri vicl vix vktx vnce vnr vrtx vrx vslr vstm vvus vxx vz wac wb wbawcg wdc wfc wll wmt wprt wti wtw wynn xco xgti xiv xom xoma xtnt xxii yelp yy zayo ziop zn znga zsan zyne