A few tweaks to MOMO Quotes

While we have been making significant updates to the rest of MOMO, the favorite quotes has not received much attention.  While we use it quite a bit, we never heard many ask about or mention it until recently.... and you are using it a lot more than we thought!

So we took the opportunity to implement a few of your suggestions!

  • Provide ability to re-order quotes (Done!):  We implemented drag & drop so now you can sort the way you want them.  To do so, you must be in expanded mode and drag the top dragger control on top of desired quote. (See video snippet below)
  • Make it easier to add quotes (Done!):  We added keyboard shortcuts so you can now use "/" and "Enter" to quickly add a symbol.  Say you want to add "CCIV" - simply type "/ CCIV enter".
  • We have also reduced the Quote refresh interval to 1 minute.