Mometic Standards Work with W3C

One of the goals we had for 2023 was to start moving MOMO Pro from a "web app" to more of a "web-based platform".  While the difference is subtle, the way we see and define a web platform is that a web platform gives users more modular utility across their displays from a single instance of the app.  A web app is something that is confined to a single browser page whereas a "web platform" is something that could be used across multiple displays while maintaining context between the windows.

For those of you who are unaware, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community  that develops open standards to help ensure compatibility and evolution of the internet.  

As part of our efforts to improve MOMO Pro for multi-screen use we reached out to the W3C to utilize their new browser standardized API's and expertise.  And as we announced in January we released this as as part of our layout management enhancement.

This morning, we just demo'd the functionality back to the W3C team working on this part of the functionality.  Attendees from Google, Intel, BBC News and others saw our new web platform and had very positive feedback.      

If you are not familar with our layout manager, watch the clip above or check out our January announcement.  

The  results speak for themselves and hats off to the W3C for staying on the leading edge so we can build standards compliant capabilities like this. The icing on the cake is that the W3C working group said this was the first implementation of its kind to their knowledge and that it was built just as they envisioned.  

Don't have MOMO Pro+ yet?  Start here!  

Team @ Mometic